Information about US citizens in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Le 14/04/2019

Note: All routine consular services at the U.S. Embassy in Kinshasa, D.R. Congo are provided by appointment only to U.S. citizens visiting or residing in D.R. Congo. Emergency cases (such as medical emergencies, deaths or arrests involving American citizens) will still be handled on a walk-in basis during normal Embassy hours or after hours by calling the Embassy Duty Officer.
Steps to take to schedule your appointment at the U.S. Embassy in Kinshasa.
- Review our website to determine the specific service you need.
- Ensure that all applications, forms, and additional documents are completed correctly before you come to your appointment. Photocopies of all original documents are required and cannot be done at the Embassy. For passport services, we strongly encourage you to complete passport forms online; follow the instructions here.
- Schedule your appointment: click here.
- Print your appointment confirmation letter and bring it with you to your appointment.
- Schedule one appointment per applicant per service. For example if you have two children where each requires a passport renewal, each child must have his or her own appointment. If you have questions about what type of appointment you require, email for additional assistance. Duplicate appointments for the same service will be deleted in the system without notice.
- Cancel your original appointment in the system if you need to change the date. In order to cancel your appointment you will need a password which you can find on your appointment confirmation letter. Please email for assistance.
- Arrive on time for your appointment. If you are late to your appointment you may be asked to reschedule your appointment. When you arrive at the Embassy, please inform one of the guards that you are a U.S. citizen with an appointment and go directly to the Consular Receptionist window.
Additional links:
- DS-11 Application for a U.S. Passport (PDF 100kb)
- DS-82 U.S. Passport Renewal Application for Eligible Individuals (PDF 81kb)
- DS-5504 Application for a U.S. Passport – Name Change, Data Correction, and Limited Passport Replacement (PDF 82kb)
- DS-64 Statement Regarding Lost or Stolen Passport (PDF 51kb)
- DS-3053 Statement of Consent – Issuing a Passport to a Minor Under Age 16 (PDF 41kb)
- DS-5525 Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances – Issuing a Passport to a Minor Under Age 16. (PDF 41kb)
Extra Visa Pages no Longer Issued Effective January 1, 2016
The U.S. Department of State no longer adds visa pages into U.S. passports beginning January 1, 2016. Previously, U.S. passport holders had the option to pay for the insertion of additional 24-page visa inserts when valid passports lacked adequate space for entry or exit visa stamps. The decision to discontinue this service was made to enhance the security of the passport and to abide by international passport standards. Beginning January 1, 2016, applicants in need of additional pages in their valid passports must obtain a new passport.
Visit to see whether you can renew your U.S. passport by mail. If not, you can make an appointment to renew your passport at the U.S. Embassy in DRCongo.
If applying in person at a U.S. embassy or consulate, you may pay in U.S. dollar only or credit card.
Schedule an Appointment
310 Avenue des Aviateurs
Kinshasa, Gombe
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Phone: 081 556-0151
Fax: (243) 81 55 60 175